membership application and renewal
FPA Membership Levels:
Active Membership
For credentialed U.S.-based journalist serving any type of foreign media outlet/organization for an overseas audience
the Yearly Membership is $100.
Associate Membership
If you are a U.S.-based media-related professional including communications, public relations, public policy, academia, or diplomacy (Associate members are not entitled to vote as a full member)
the Yearly Membership is $150.
U.S. Press Membership
Same criteria as working press only intended for U.S. Based journalists not working for foreign media outlets entitled to an active press card but not entitled to vote as a full member.
the Yearly Membership is $100.
Overseas Membership
For press temporarily resident outside the US or who make occasional visits or who expect to return. Upon address becoming US membership will be recognized as Active Press)
the Yearly Membership is $75.
Young Journalist Membership
For U.S.-based journalists under 30 serving any type of foreign media outlet/organization for an overseas audience
the Yearly Membership Is $40
Student Membership
Membership for students currently enrolled in a U.S. school of journalism,
the Yearly Membership is $25.
Editors Circle
Active Supporter of the work of the FPA and its Mission :
Includes special Invitations to in-person events planned for 2024
the Yearly Membership Is $250