An Introduction to 'Civil' - A New Journalism Platform Based on Blockchainand Cryptoecomonics7/11/2018 INVITATION FROM OVERSEAS PRESS CLUB
MEMBERS OF THE FOREIGN PRESS ASSOCIATION ARE INVITED TO JOIN THIS EVENT. DATE: July 11 TIME: 6:30 p.m. LOCATION: Club Quarters, 40 West 45th Street, New York Imagine you could take everything you don’t like about journalism – from broken business models to trolls to bad actors – and put them in a box for a minute. Just for a minute. Now imagine building a decentralized platform that’s in service of journalism – essentially starting all over again in the current media climate. What would that look like? And how do blockchain and cryptoeconomics provide a foundation for a platform that’s driven by journalism, supported by developers and owned by the people? In a nutshell, that’s Civil. Please join Daniel Sieberg, a former OPC Governor who is a co-founder and business development lead at Civil, to learn more about this new global eco-system that is launching this summer and needs help from the broader industry to collaboratively create a sustainable future. Sieberg previously served as global head of media outreach at Google
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Consulate General of Uruguay in New York: invitation for members of the Foreign Press Association7/11/2018 All Mod Cons follows the struggle between two siblings who are trying to find a flat to buy amidst a housing crisis. After their Mother dies, Jean, returns home for good after eight years away, having left as John, to help her younger and now "hipster" brother, Gary, find a place for them to live. Jean is keen they are going to make this new situation work. Gary is desperate to prove to Jean he has grown up and changed just as much as she has, but with their old friend Ian as their realtor, dark secrets from the past are threatening to repeat themselves. By Erica Murray, directed by Kim Kerfoot. Followed by wine reception.
WHEN: MONDAY, May 28th 2018 WHERE: NYU Glucksman Ireland House 1 Washington Mews, New York, NY 10003 For tickets CLICK HERE SPONSOR: New York Public Library Branch on Roosevelt Island
WHEN: Thursday, May 10 at 6:30 p.m. WHERE: New York Public Library Branch on Roosevelt Island PRESS RSVP: BACKGROUND: When Willard Psychiatric Center closed in New York's Finger Lakes in 1995, an employee discovered a large collection of suitcases in storage in an attic. Many of these pieces of luggage contained the personal belongings of former patients. Renowned photographer Jon Crispin has completed his multi-year project to photograph these suitcases and their contents, which he described in a previous RIHS lecture in 2016. In this lecture, Mr. Crispin will reflect on the experience of this project and share the photos in a lecture at the New York Public Library Branch on Roosevelt Island, on Thursday, May 10 at 6:30 p.m. The Challenge to Global Order: A Conversation with Richard N. Haass and the Council of Councils5/7/2018 SPONSOR: Council on Foreign Relations
WHEN: Monday May 7; 6 p.m. WHERE: Council on Foreign Relations, 58 East 68th Street PRESS RSVP: Dalia Dagher, 212-434-9419, [email protected] by May 4 BACKGROUND: Michael Fullilove, Richard N. Haass, Elizabeth Sidiropoulos, and Igor Yurgens will discuss the mounting challenges to global governance and international cooperation, and the release of the 2017-2018 Council of Councils (CoC) Report Card on International Cooperation. The Report Card evaluates multilateral efforts to address ten of the world’s most pressing global challenges, including nuclear proliferation, transnational terrorism, climate change, pandemic disease, mass migration, financial volatility, and cybercrime. The annual Report Card surveys the Council of Councils, a CFR initiative connecting leading foreign policy institutes from twenty-five countries around the world, to provide a measure of international cooperation year after year, and to help policymakers identify opportunities for breakthrough and prioritize today’s critical issues SPONSOR: Asia Society
WHEN: Friday, May 4 from 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm WHERE: Asia Society, 725 Park Ave PRESS RSVP: [email protected] BACKGROUND: Kick off Asian Pacific American Heritage Month at our biggest First Friday of the year and enjoy free admission to Asia Society Museum's exhibition. The museum stays open late from 6–9 p.m., offering free admission, exhibition tours, drink specials, and special activities. SPONSOR: Asia Society
WHEN: Thursday, May 3 from 8:30 am -10:00 am WHERE: Asia Society, 725 Park Ave PRESS RSVP: [email protected] BACKGROUND: A discussion on the recent trade tensions between the U.S. and China. Also serves as the launch of the latest update of The China Dashboard, an interactive tool that tracks China’s economic reforms. With Wendy Cutler, vice president, Asia Society Policy Institute; Daniel Rosen, founding partner, Rhodium Group; Shery Ahn (moderator), co-anchor, Bloomberg Markets. Can't make it? Most events are also live streamed at SPONSOR: Museum of the City of New York
WHEN: Thursday, May 3 from 7 pm – 9 pm WHERE: Museum of the City of New York, 1220 Fifth Ave at 103rd St. PRESS RSVP: Jes Siart, [email protected], (603) 289-8707 BACKGROUND: The literary city inspires ideas as different as New Yorkers themselves. At our final Only in New York program this season, series host Sarah Maslin Nir sits down with celebrated novelist Jay McInerney and essayist Garnette Cadogan for a lively conversation about how the city has informed and challenged their work. Reception and book signing to follow. Only in New York with Times reporter Sarah Maslin Nir is a conversation series bringing together two distinctive New Yorkers to explore key questions about the city’s identity, culture, and history – glass of wine in hand. President Boudreau’s Investiture Ceremony
Date: Thu, Mar 29, 2018 — Thu, Mar 29, 2018 Time: 05:30 PM Website: Address: 160 Convent Avenue New York, NY 10031 Location: The Great Hall Of Shepard Hall Admission: RSVP for FPA MEMBERS |