TO: Members of the Foreign Press Association – “FPA-USA”
FROM: David P. Michaels, President
DATE: 31st December 2018
SUBJECT: Year End “Message from the President”
Ladies & Gentlemen:
On behalf of the Officers and Executive Committee, I extend a big thank you for your support during 2018 and the celebrations of the FPA’s Centennial Year.
Restructuring of the FPA
I am delighted to inform you that the “PHASE ONE” objectives of the restructuring of the FPA, planned and executed during the last two years, had not only been achieved but exceeded expectations and targets.
PHASE ONE’s principal objectives were:
a) The recruitment of an effective and results-oriented Executive Director with appropriate experience and knowledge of journalism and the media industry.
b) A continuation of the recent years’ trend of professional journalist membership applications.
c) The production of high-profile events and international programs.
d) Increasing the sponsorship of the FPA Scholarship Awards.
e) The rebranding of the FPA and Scholarship Awards.
f) Establishing strategic alliances with national and international press entities.
PHASE ONE’s principal objectives achieved were:
a) Late in 2017, Thanos Dimadis was recruited as Executive Director. His direct and significant participation in much of PHASE ONE objectives contributed to the FPA exceeding expectations and targets.
b) The “shrinking” of employment of professional journalists during the last decade has been a major challenge and had directly impacted our membership levels for some years. However, I am happy to report that applications for membership of the FPA continue to increase.
c) High profile and other events during 2018 included:
For more information about these and, other events view:
d) Sponsorship and donations, (administered through our “sister” entity, the Foreign Press Foundation, that supervises the Scholarship Awards along with the FPA’s 501 (c) 3 tax-deductible fund-raising activities), reached record-breaking levels in both amounts pledged and the number of sponsors.
Sponsors included: Western Union, BAYER, Johnson & Johnson, Microsoft, United Health Group, Skybridge Capital, CBS News, CNN, Daimler, Silverstein Properties, Barilla, Knight Foundation, Procter & Gamble, Bank of America, OZY, along with “Anonymous” sponsors and donors.
e) Rebranding initiatives included the continued development of “FPA-USA” with the new logos, to encompass all FPA entities and activities, along with the formal change of name of the “FPA Scholarship Fund” to “Foreign Press Foundation.”
Scholarship Awards are now “branded” with major sponsors — a critical component that successfully enhanced the marketing and solicitation of sponsorship support and donations.
During 2018, a special Scholarship was created to honor Kim Wall, our 2013 First Place Scholarship Awardee. In 2017, Kim’s life was tragically cut short in pursuit of a story. After I met the Wall family at the Memorial for Kim at Columbia University, I proposed to the Board of Governors of the Foundation the creation of a special Scholarship Award to honor Kim. We were delighted that Kim’s brother was able to represent the Wall Family and attend the Centennial Dinner & Awards.
f) 2018 saw an increase in our bridge-building and co-produced events initiatives with U.S. and international based press associations and entities.
At a meeting in Austria during December, I received an indication of interest for an informal strategic alliance to cooperate on global bridge-building and co-produced events with the International Press Institute, (“IPI”). Based in Vienna, Austria the IPI is a global organization dedicated to the promotion and protection of press freedom and the improvement of journalism practices. Founded in October 1950, the IPI has members in over 120 countries.
Centennial Dinner & Awards
The FPA’s Centennial Dinner & Awards was held on the 8th November at the World Trade Center in New York.
The supporting remarks for the FPA from some excellent guest speakers and representatives of sponsoring corporations was most encouraging.
A highlight was the fact that former FPA Presidents, Roy Murphy, Mitja Mersol, and Gabriel Plesea, traveled, respectively, from New Zealand, Slovenia, and Romania to celebrate the Centennial.
We were saddened that, at the last moment, Santi Visalli was unable to join us due to ill health. Santi was the President of the FPA at the establishment of the FPA Scholarship Fund and initiated the Scholarship Awards. Thank you, Santi, for sending your kind words about our recent efforts.
Kudos to a tiny but effective team who planned and executed this exceptional and successful milestone event.
A copy of the Centennial Dinner & Awards Program will soon be viewable on our website. In the meantime, photos and video highlights are viewable at
Before our 101st Birthday on 16th February 2019, we intend to hold a “Centennial Year End” reception for all FPA members and special guests as a “finale” to our Centennial Year’s celebrations.
Our accountants are finalizing the Financial Reports for the year ended 31st October 2018, and they will be made available before the Annual General Meetings.
In summary, we continued to lower office overheads, and although there were some non-traditional expenditures related to our Centennial Year initiatives, 2019 commences with record financial reserves.
PHASE TWO’s recommended principal objectives are:
These include amendments to the FPA’s Constitution & By-Laws. (Last amended in 1990 and in need of updating to reflect both the realities of today’s media industry and available technology to facilitate member communications and Association participation).
An initial draft amendment was undertaken by Jeff Laner, Esq., (our Treasurer and a Not-For-Profit attorney). Although presented to the Executive Committee for review, this draft amendment to the Constitution & By-Laws also requires the incorporation of New York State’s “Recommendations” for Not-for-Profits, before distribution to FPA members, and thereafter the convening of a “special” General Meeting to vote on the proposed amendments to the Constitution & By-Laws.
(NOTE: Article XI – Amendments of the Constitution & By-Laws - states a lengthy and time-consuming procedure that, with the FPA’s limited human and financial resources, was not possible to become a reality during the planning and execution of our Centennial Year’s principal objectives).
Members will shortly receive an invitation to submit their nominations for the election of 2019 Officers and Boards.
For more information on 2019 and the “Next 100 Years Initiatives,” view my presentation at the Centennial Dinner & Awards:
Click here to view Video
(IMPORTANT NOTE: My presentation at the Centennial Dinner & Awards did not include some paragraphs accidentally deleted from my printed notes. These paragraphs acknowledged Ian Williams, Jeffrey Laner, Simon Locke, Nancy Kamel, and Stephen Yesenosky for their extra efforts during 2018. Also deleted was the text of the communication from FPA former President, Santi Visalli.
I again offer my sincere apologies. No offense was intended).
I wish to share with you one gracious remark that I will treasure, and that summarizes the reason why special individuals unselfishly volunteer their valuable time to the FPA:
“David, there’s no need to apologize. You were obviously exhausted, and mistakes happen! I did not donate my time and resources to be publicly recognized. Your leadership resulted in an event beyond expectations. That was the best way to thank me for my contributions.”
During my initial term as an elected member of the FPA’s Executive Committee, it soon became obvious that there existed a general lack of awareness of the realities and the significance of a rapidly changing media industry with the resultant reductions in media staffing. These changes in the industry contributed to a shrinking FPA membership of professional journalists and one of the causes of this pre-eminent press organization, to flounder which would have slowly but steadily led to its eventual demise.
Dealing with the perilous challenges faced by our 100-year-old association, and the urgent need to change the direction to one of growth and restitution of stature, required determined, strong leadership, particularly with the FPA’s limited human and financial resources.
The management of change and restructuring often requires an effective and sometimes aggressive, leadership strategy and tactics essential for the achievement of objectives — a type of leadership style not always appreciated during execution.
Therefore, I extend an extra “thank you” to those very special individuals, (they know who they are), who unselfishly, were always available to provide wise counsel and support during some difficult times, and thereby contributed to the recent irrevocably evidenced, growing financial health and other achievements of the FPA-USA.
Finally, a sincere request to those members who continued to resist change as we prepared to enter the FPA’s next 100 years. I thank you for your continued allegiance to the FPA’s principals and structure that may have worked in the past but challenge you to apply your energy on making positive and productive efforts to contribute towards the FPA-USA of the future.
A Happy & Healthy 2019 to you all.
FROM: David P. Michaels, President
DATE: 31st December 2018
SUBJECT: Year End “Message from the President”
Ladies & Gentlemen:
On behalf of the Officers and Executive Committee, I extend a big thank you for your support during 2018 and the celebrations of the FPA’s Centennial Year.
Restructuring of the FPA
I am delighted to inform you that the “PHASE ONE” objectives of the restructuring of the FPA, planned and executed during the last two years, had not only been achieved but exceeded expectations and targets.
PHASE ONE’s principal objectives were:
a) The recruitment of an effective and results-oriented Executive Director with appropriate experience and knowledge of journalism and the media industry.
b) A continuation of the recent years’ trend of professional journalist membership applications.
c) The production of high-profile events and international programs.
d) Increasing the sponsorship of the FPA Scholarship Awards.
e) The rebranding of the FPA and Scholarship Awards.
f) Establishing strategic alliances with national and international press entities.
PHASE ONE’s principal objectives achieved were:
a) Late in 2017, Thanos Dimadis was recruited as Executive Director. His direct and significant participation in much of PHASE ONE objectives contributed to the FPA exceeding expectations and targets.
b) The “shrinking” of employment of professional journalists during the last decade has been a major challenge and had directly impacted our membership levels for some years. However, I am happy to report that applications for membership of the FPA continue to increase.
c) High profile and other events during 2018 included:
- Ringing the “Opening Bell” at NASDAQ, and a live appearance on NASDAQ’s “Behind the Bell” program, in celebration of our Centennial Year.
- Presentation by Ian Bremmer - political scientist and founder of the Eurasia Group.
- Special event with Anthony Scaramucci – former White House Director of Communications.
- Presentation by former Secretary of Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson.
- Briefing by Barilla Foundation prior to the “International Forum on Food & Nutrition” held during the United Nations General Assembly.
- Hosting of press/media delegations from China, Russia, and Portugal.
- Multimedia event with the Safe Water Network – co-founded in 2006 by actor and philanthropist Paul Newman along with other civic and business leaders, the organization helps address the evidenced gap in off-grid water systems around the world.
- Centennial Dinner & Awards.
For more information about these and, other events view:
d) Sponsorship and donations, (administered through our “sister” entity, the Foreign Press Foundation, that supervises the Scholarship Awards along with the FPA’s 501 (c) 3 tax-deductible fund-raising activities), reached record-breaking levels in both amounts pledged and the number of sponsors.
Sponsors included: Western Union, BAYER, Johnson & Johnson, Microsoft, United Health Group, Skybridge Capital, CBS News, CNN, Daimler, Silverstein Properties, Barilla, Knight Foundation, Procter & Gamble, Bank of America, OZY, along with “Anonymous” sponsors and donors.
e) Rebranding initiatives included the continued development of “FPA-USA” with the new logos, to encompass all FPA entities and activities, along with the formal change of name of the “FPA Scholarship Fund” to “Foreign Press Foundation.”
Scholarship Awards are now “branded” with major sponsors — a critical component that successfully enhanced the marketing and solicitation of sponsorship support and donations.
During 2018, a special Scholarship was created to honor Kim Wall, our 2013 First Place Scholarship Awardee. In 2017, Kim’s life was tragically cut short in pursuit of a story. After I met the Wall family at the Memorial for Kim at Columbia University, I proposed to the Board of Governors of the Foundation the creation of a special Scholarship Award to honor Kim. We were delighted that Kim’s brother was able to represent the Wall Family and attend the Centennial Dinner & Awards.
f) 2018 saw an increase in our bridge-building and co-produced events initiatives with U.S. and international based press associations and entities.
At a meeting in Austria during December, I received an indication of interest for an informal strategic alliance to cooperate on global bridge-building and co-produced events with the International Press Institute, (“IPI”). Based in Vienna, Austria the IPI is a global organization dedicated to the promotion and protection of press freedom and the improvement of journalism practices. Founded in October 1950, the IPI has members in over 120 countries.
Centennial Dinner & Awards
The FPA’s Centennial Dinner & Awards was held on the 8th November at the World Trade Center in New York.
The supporting remarks for the FPA from some excellent guest speakers and representatives of sponsoring corporations was most encouraging.
A highlight was the fact that former FPA Presidents, Roy Murphy, Mitja Mersol, and Gabriel Plesea, traveled, respectively, from New Zealand, Slovenia, and Romania to celebrate the Centennial.
We were saddened that, at the last moment, Santi Visalli was unable to join us due to ill health. Santi was the President of the FPA at the establishment of the FPA Scholarship Fund and initiated the Scholarship Awards. Thank you, Santi, for sending your kind words about our recent efforts.
Kudos to a tiny but effective team who planned and executed this exceptional and successful milestone event.
A copy of the Centennial Dinner & Awards Program will soon be viewable on our website. In the meantime, photos and video highlights are viewable at
Before our 101st Birthday on 16th February 2019, we intend to hold a “Centennial Year End” reception for all FPA members and special guests as a “finale” to our Centennial Year’s celebrations.
Our accountants are finalizing the Financial Reports for the year ended 31st October 2018, and they will be made available before the Annual General Meetings.
In summary, we continued to lower office overheads, and although there were some non-traditional expenditures related to our Centennial Year initiatives, 2019 commences with record financial reserves.
PHASE TWO’s recommended principal objectives are:
- To continue the momentum of increasing membership of professional journalists and media-related associate members, the production of high profile events, and the broadening of our sponsorship solicitation activities.
- To plan and execute the “Next 100 Years Initiatives” to enhance and further develop FPA-USA’s profile and create non-traditional revenue.
- To further develop initiatives to enhance the global reach and bridge-building of the FPA-USA, particularly with national press associations around the world and international press entities.
- To develop and plan the structure, administration and global “roll-out” of the Foreign Press Awards.
- To establish an International Board of Advisors to facilitate the global reach and bridge-building of the FPA-USA.
- To proceed with some administrative and logistic recommendations that should be reviewed and executed by the 2019 elected Officers and Executive Committee.
These include amendments to the FPA’s Constitution & By-Laws. (Last amended in 1990 and in need of updating to reflect both the realities of today’s media industry and available technology to facilitate member communications and Association participation).
An initial draft amendment was undertaken by Jeff Laner, Esq., (our Treasurer and a Not-For-Profit attorney). Although presented to the Executive Committee for review, this draft amendment to the Constitution & By-Laws also requires the incorporation of New York State’s “Recommendations” for Not-for-Profits, before distribution to FPA members, and thereafter the convening of a “special” General Meeting to vote on the proposed amendments to the Constitution & By-Laws.
(NOTE: Article XI – Amendments of the Constitution & By-Laws - states a lengthy and time-consuming procedure that, with the FPA’s limited human and financial resources, was not possible to become a reality during the planning and execution of our Centennial Year’s principal objectives).
- To repeat the process for the revision of the Constitution & By-Laws of our “sister” entity, the Foreign Press Foundation. Established 25 years ago as the FPA Scholarship Fund, the Foundation is the conduit for both global and national corporations to support the education and development of professional journalists for the realities of today’s media industry, and also manage the FPA’s fund-raising activities.
- To review the publication of “The Foreign Press Association: Our First 100 Years.”
- To increase participation on social media platforms.
- To provide enhanced and additional “Benefits of Membership.”
- (NOTE: These initiatives will require, not only the active support of the FPA’s 2019 elected Officers and Board Members but also the direct participation of other members interested in joining specialized FPA “Teams” to plan and execute particular objectives. If you have an interest in active participation either as an elected Board official or “Team” member, please let us know).
Members will shortly receive an invitation to submit their nominations for the election of 2019 Officers and Boards.
For more information on 2019 and the “Next 100 Years Initiatives,” view my presentation at the Centennial Dinner & Awards:
Click here to view Video
(IMPORTANT NOTE: My presentation at the Centennial Dinner & Awards did not include some paragraphs accidentally deleted from my printed notes. These paragraphs acknowledged Ian Williams, Jeffrey Laner, Simon Locke, Nancy Kamel, and Stephen Yesenosky for their extra efforts during 2018. Also deleted was the text of the communication from FPA former President, Santi Visalli.
I again offer my sincere apologies. No offense was intended).
I wish to share with you one gracious remark that I will treasure, and that summarizes the reason why special individuals unselfishly volunteer their valuable time to the FPA:
“David, there’s no need to apologize. You were obviously exhausted, and mistakes happen! I did not donate my time and resources to be publicly recognized. Your leadership resulted in an event beyond expectations. That was the best way to thank me for my contributions.”
During my initial term as an elected member of the FPA’s Executive Committee, it soon became obvious that there existed a general lack of awareness of the realities and the significance of a rapidly changing media industry with the resultant reductions in media staffing. These changes in the industry contributed to a shrinking FPA membership of professional journalists and one of the causes of this pre-eminent press organization, to flounder which would have slowly but steadily led to its eventual demise.
Dealing with the perilous challenges faced by our 100-year-old association, and the urgent need to change the direction to one of growth and restitution of stature, required determined, strong leadership, particularly with the FPA’s limited human and financial resources.
The management of change and restructuring often requires an effective and sometimes aggressive, leadership strategy and tactics essential for the achievement of objectives — a type of leadership style not always appreciated during execution.
Therefore, I extend an extra “thank you” to those very special individuals, (they know who they are), who unselfishly, were always available to provide wise counsel and support during some difficult times, and thereby contributed to the recent irrevocably evidenced, growing financial health and other achievements of the FPA-USA.
Finally, a sincere request to those members who continued to resist change as we prepared to enter the FPA’s next 100 years. I thank you for your continued allegiance to the FPA’s principals and structure that may have worked in the past but challenge you to apply your energy on making positive and productive efforts to contribute towards the FPA-USA of the future.
A Happy & Healthy 2019 to you all.