FPA News
– Ahead of the Curve, the FPA goes behind the News –
Dimadis supports restrictions on I-Visas.
The Foreign Press Association (FPA) has been coordinating with other media organizations to oppose proposed changes to I visa rules by the Department of Homeland Security, reflecting deep concerns from our members and other journalists. In contrast, one Thanos Dimadis, anointing himself the “official” representative of the foreign media in the US, told DHS "We agree with your proposal for a fixed duration of no more than 240 days to foreign journalists who apply for an I Media Visa.” We are not surprised that Dimadis, who as The Guardian reported, sought to enrich himself through a secret deal to promote the interests of Bayer A.G., is also willing to sell out the international media community on this issue. No one who knows the complexity of foreign correspondents' work here could support that proposal. The FPA has never claimed to be “official," leaving groveling to DHS and carcinogen producers to others, but for over a century our Association has represented the interests of international correspondents, and will carry on doing so.
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